How To Design Your Homepage Copy To Stand Out With

How To Design Your Homepage Copy To Stand Out With

If you think your homepage has to be filled with visuals, graphics, images, and many colours to help your content stand out from others, that’s not entirely true. You may be able to design your homepage with great and relevant graphics. But you must be mindful to include visuals that are there to support your […]

How Drift Can Sell More With A Better Pricing Table Design

How Drift Can Sell More With A Better Pricing Table Design

You may or may not have a pricing page or pricing table on your website.  Having one helps people to know where to navigate to when they want to find out more about your offers. There’s no hard and fast rule that you must share your pricing on your pricing page. Either way, you must […]

Here’s A Better CTA Design For Shopify

Shopify CTA

Font size in the button can be bigger. There’s no need to fill up the button space, but it should be bold and big enough to capture attention from other content around it​ Button colour shouldn’t be blending into the background of the page or form. It should be striking with some contrast against the […]

How Cataphract Makes Security Vetting Less Serious

Security vetting with Cataphract SaaS

Video walk down of Cataphract’s homepage Before we start tearing down Cataphract’s homepage, check out this video below to briefly get an idea of what it’s like. I would say for such a serious and boring industry, Cataphract has successfully designed its homepage into something light-hearted and interesting to browse through. Video summary of […]